



記者楊政典/綜合報導雖然哥倫比亞前輩放話「贏巴西很簡單」,但現任國家隊後衛Pablo Armero,可沒因此輕視巴西。「巴西可不是肉腳,」Armero說,「在這裡,每支球隊都想晉級,沒有人會有所保留。而且,巴西可是打敗了有一票好手在陣的智利。」哥倫比亞上次踢進世界盃,已經是1998年,這回再度晉級會內賽,一口氣闖進八強,創下隊史紀錄。而且哥倫比亞四戰全勝,共進11球,比巴西好上一截。「我們可不是來這裡的公園散步。我們到此目的是,全力創造光榮。」Armero說。哥倫比亞想要創造光榮,就必須擋住地主國巴西。想要擋住巴西,就必須嚴防Neymar。這一點,哥倫比亞有所準備。「要守住Neymar,得靠全隊合作,互相幫忙,」Armero說,「我們是一支嚴謹的球隊,而且我們都知道,只要團結一致,就能獲取好結果。」巴西vs.哥倫比亞之戰,台北時間5日清晨4點開踢,凌晨0點則有德國vs.法國的八強賽。 Description Toggle View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View youtube 英文學習 基本會話 英文 View View View View View View View 1 - 25 / 30 A man holds a banner that reads "Cup dirty with blood" next to a bridge that collapsed while under construction in Belo Horizonte, July 3, 2014. The unfinished overpass collapsed in the Brazilian ... 較多A man holds a banner that reads "Cup dirty with blood" next to a bridge that collapsed while under construction in Belo Horizonte, July 3, 2014. The unfinished overpass collapsed in the Brazilian World Cup host city of Belo Horizonte on Thursday, killing at least one person and casting a shadow over a tournament that has suffered repeated construction accidents and delays. REUTERS/Ivan Alvarado (BRAZIL - Tags: SPORT SOCCER WORLD CUP DISASTER TRANSPORT CIVIL UNREST) 較少 1 / 30 Reuters | 拍攝者 IVAN ALVARADO / REUTERS 2014年7月4日週五 台北標準時間上午9時30分 Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Pinterest Close Previous imageNext image

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